
Our goal and purpose is to
predominantly mentor and
support new Muslims

Established in 1997 Revert2Reality (R2R) is a vibrant volunteer-led organisation setup to predominantly mentor and support new Muslims; however our services also reach the wider local community. Based in East London, R2R provides an array of unique services specific to every Muslim’s need.
As a grass roots organisation that thrives to cater for the diverse needs of society from homelessness to simply lending an ear, we are forever evolving in our services. We endeavour to continue being the best point of call for our diverse community.

Convert is the English word most often used for one who embraces a religion after being raised in another faith. A common definition of the word “convert” is to “change from one religion or belief to another.”

Muslims believe that all people are born with a natural faith in God. According to Islam, children are born with an innate sense of God, which is called the fitrah. Therefore, some people see conversion to Islam as a “return” back to this original, pure faith. For this reason, many Muslims prefer to say that they have “reverted,” rather than converted to Islam. A common definition of the word “revert” is to “return to a former condition or belief.”

Our Philosophy

To instill a legacy of true Islam in the community through the practices of faith and nurturing.

Our Objective

To create a safe space for the social and well-being of individuals; by providing services focussing on the Mind, Body, Spiritual, and Social welfare needs of the community.

Our Vision

People of all backgrounds learn, share, and grow together and bringing the true essence of Islam to humanity.

The Wellbeing Centre

The R2R Wellbeing Centre is a serene and tranquil space; with soothing colours, greenery and a quiet space to sip tea and read a book.
As you come through the doors you be welcomed by our friendly staff, a bright reception area with seating and a very inviting coffee shop. The centre has a large hall seating around 70 people as well as a fitness studio. There is a quiet/prayer/meditation room, small kitchen and wash facilities. The centre is ideal for workshops, meetings, private functions and events. So please arrange a visit and check out our hire facilities and services.


Revert2Reality’s (R2R) humble beginnings go all the way back to 1997 when a group of local community members from East London adopted to organise circles and community support services for reverts and the wider community. We frequently witnessed reverts facing various challenges after taking Shahada and saw that there was no support to see them through those hurdles; with the little resources and funds we had at the time, we reached out in every way possible.

As the demand grew, we fundraised and found ourselves forever evolving and expanding.  We remained steadfast and persistent to serve.  We moved from church buildings to charity shops, coffee shops, people’s living rooms, and wherever we found a space to hire; but we did not give up!

Giving up was not an option.  Remaining firm and understanding the great favor that God has endowed upon us to be amongst those who serve, give and support us was no doubt a noble offering we did not want to deviate from.  The circles continued for a solid two decades and the Shahada’s continued to come Fast forward decades later and we are a thriving charity with a wonderful space the community can call their own.

Years later we registered as a charity volunteers; our team is made of 15 dedicated members who help run the center and manage our busy timetable of activities.

Our services include mentoring for new Muslims, counseling, advocacy, health, nutrition and fitness, meditation and spiritual care, coffee mornings, and dinners, to name a few.

Within the Muslim, Community Revert2Reality is the leading Muslim social and community support service provider in Waltham Forest.  In 2011 we were awarded our first award for ‘Excellence in Community Development from the Waltham Forest Council of Mosques.

Revert2Reality has been thriving in the borough of Waltham Forest for two decades; during this time the charity has developed a breadth of knowledge about the diverse needs of the Muslim community.  We felt the need for an independent, contemporary, non-judgmental space for Muslims of all walks of life to be able to break stereotypes; exhibit creative Muslims, and empower women and inspirational individuals.

We have virtuous ties with local mosques, businesses, and charities in the area and we often receive referrals from mosques and organisations from all over the UK.

If you are ever in town do pop in and see us


Volunteers are at the very heart of our organisation. You are Revert2Reality’s face in the local community.

Volunteers get involved for a variety of reasons. Some want to make a difference in the lives of people, others want to develop new skills, and some want to meet new people and simply add value to their time.
We don’t have a typical volunteer. If you would like to get involved simply

Call us at :  0797 68 072 68
– we would love to hear from you
